Detecting negative cycle - Bellman-Ford algorithm
Algorithms #algorithms #graphs #cycle-detectionA negative cycle can be detected in a graph using the Bellman-Ford algorithm, which Dijkstra’s algorithm cannot.
As a part of the Bellman-Ford algorithm, each edge is relaxed for |V| - 1
time and distance
improvement is measured. Following the edge relaxation, the algorithm is run again |V| - 1
time to check for negative cycles.
= no. of vertices
- Create a distance table of size
and set the initial value of all indices to positive infinity - Using edge relaxation, visit all vertices and update distances in the distance table
- Repeat this process
|V| - 1
time - After this iteration, run the same algorithm again
|V| - 1
time, but this time set the vertex distance to negative infinity whenever it improves. - Lastly, if no vertex in the distance table has a value of
infinity, the graph hasno
negative cycles, otherwise ithas
negative cycles.
- Example 1. No negative cycles
- Example 2. Graph with negative cycle
- The following script finds negative cycles in the graphs given above.
fun example1Graph(): List<List<WeightedEdge>> {
return mutableListOf<List<WeightedEdge>>().apply {
add(0, listOf(
WeightedEdge(1, 8),
WeightedEdge(2, 7),
1, listOf(
WeightedEdge(2, 6),
WeightedEdge(3, 5),
WeightedEdge(4, -4),
2, listOf(
WeightedEdge(4, 9),
WeightedEdge(3, -3),
3, listOf(
WeightedEdge(1, -2),
4, listOf(
WeightedEdge(3, 7),
WeightedEdge(0, 2),
fun example2Graph(): List<List<WeightedEdge>> {
return mutableListOf<List<WeightedEdge>>().apply {
add(0, listOf(
WeightedEdge(1, -5),
1, listOf(
WeightedEdge(2, 2),
2, listOf(
WeightedEdge(0, -6),
3, listOf(
WeightedEdge(2, 3),
fun main() {
bellmanFordNegativeEdgeFinding(example1Graph()).also {
println("Example 1: has negative cycle $it")
bellmanFordNegativeEdgeFinding(example2Graph()).also {
println("Example 2: has negative cycle $it")
data class WeightedEdge(val value: Int, val weight: Int)
fun bellmanFordNegativeEdgeFinding(
vertexToAdjacentEdges: List<List<WeightedEdge>>
): Boolean {
// click + to see full script
val distanceTable = Array(vertexToAdjacentEdges.size) { Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY }
distanceTable[0] = 0.0
// runs |V| - 1 time
repeat(vertexToAdjacentEdges.size.dec()) {
vertexToAdjacentEdges.forEachIndexed { vertex, weightedEdges ->
weightedEdges.forEach { edge ->
// relax edge
val newDistance = distanceTable[vertex] + edge.weight
if (newDistance < distanceTable[edge.value]) {
distanceTable[edge.value] = newDistance
var hasNegativeCycle = false
repeat(vertexToAdjacentEdges.size.dec()) {
vertexToAdjacentEdges.forEachIndexed { vertex, weightedEdges ->
weightedEdges.forEach { edge ->
val newDistance = distanceTable[vertex] + edge.weight
if (newDistance < distanceTable[edge.value]) {
// edge relaxed 2nd time, set it to infinity
distanceTable[edge.value] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
hasNegativeCycle = true
return hasNegativeCycle
- Find vertices effected by negative cycle