Kruskal's minimum spanning tree
Algorithms #algorithms #trees #graphs #mstKruskal’s algorithm finds the minimum spanning tree by picking the minimum cost edge from the set of edges.
The edge is ignored if it forms a cycle
(disjoint-sets are used to detect cycles).
- Create disjoint sets data structure
- Pick minimum cost edge and add to disjoint set
- If the edge is forming a cycle, ignore it
- Pick the next edge and repeat the process until all edges are visited
- The following script finds MST in the graph given above
The script uses disjoint-sets to detect if edge is forming cycle and stores edges in a queue (min heap) where edges are queue sorted on the minimum weight
Click here for more information about disjoint-sets (union-find)
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
fun main() {
val edgeList = listOf(
Edge(0, 3, 1),
Edge(0, 4, 2),
Edge(1, 3, 1),
Edge(1, 5, 4),
Edge(1, 8, 4),
Edge(2, 6, 3),
Edge(3, 0, 1),
Edge(3, 1, 1),
Edge(4, 0, 2),
Edge(4, 5, 3),
Edge(4, 6, 3),
Edge(5, 1, 4),
Edge(5, 4, 3),
Edge(5, 7, 1),
Edge(6, 4, 3),
Edge(6, 7, 1),
Edge(6, 2, 3),
Edge(7, 5, 1),
Edge(7, 6, 1),
Edge(7, 8, 2),
Edge(8, 1, 4),
Edge(8, 7, 2),
kruskalMinimumSpanningTree(noOfVertices = 9,
edgeList = edgeList).also {
println("MST: total weight -> ${it.first}")
data class Edge(
val from: Int,
val to: Int,
val weight: Int
* Finds MST using Kruskal's algorithm. Retuns a pair of MST and
* total edge cost
fun kruskalMinimumSpanningTree(
noOfVertices: Int,
edgeList: List<Edge>
): Pair<Int, List<Edge>> {
// click + to see full script
val tree = mutableListOf<Edge>()
var totalWeight = 0
* Create min heap of edges
val queue = PriorityQueue<Edge>(Comparator { firstEdge, secondEdge ->
firstEdge.weight - secondEdge.weight
edgeList.forEach { edge -> queue.offer(edge) }
val unionFind = UnionFind(noOfVertices = noOfVertices)
// total edges will be (no. of vertices - 1)
val totalEdgeCount = noOfVertices.dec()
val edgeCount = 0
while (queue.isNotEmpty() && edgeCount != totalEdgeCount) {
val currentEdge = queue.poll()
if (unionFind.addEdge(currentEdge.from, {
// edge is not forming a cycle, add it to tree
// and update totalWeight
totalWeight += currentEdge.weight
return Pair(totalWeight, tree)
* Weighted union with path compression
class UnionFind(noOfVertices: Int) {
// click + to see full script
* Set of all the vertices. Index represents the vertex
* and value store the parent of vertex in the tree.
* This is weighted union, initially all vertices have parent
* -1, which means that every vertex is in its own set. The rank
* is stored as -ive value. This won't work if vertices have -ive
* values. Other data structures can be used in that case.
* Later on when different vertices are combine to one set i.e.
* union is performed, the vertex value will contain the no. of
* child vertices to which this vertex is parent i.e. all vertices
* all in same set.
private val vertexSets = Array(noOfVertices) { -1 }
* Return false if both vertices belong to
* same set, true otherwise
fun addEdge(from: Int, to: Int): Boolean {
val parentFrom = find(from)
val parentTo = find(to)
if (parentFrom == parentTo) {
return false
union(parentFrom, parentTo)
return true
private fun find(vertex: Int): Int {
if (vertexSets[vertex] <= -1) {
return vertex
return find(vertexSets[vertex])
* Based on ranking, merge parents. This also assigns
* root parent to other vertices instead of direct parent which
* is also called path compression.
private fun union(parentA: Int, parentB: Int) {
val rankA = vertexSets[parentA].absoluteValue
val rankB = vertexSets[parentB].absoluteValue
* Compare absolute value to pick greater rank parent
* as update the rank again as -ive value
if (rankA >= rankB) {
vertexSets[parentB] = parentA
vertexSets[parentA] =
} else {
vertexSets[parentA] = parentB
vertexSets[parentB] =
override fun toString(): String {
return "Parents: ${vertexSets.contentToString()}\nVertices: ${vertexSets.indices.toList()}"