Stop Microsoft Teams from starting on startup


  • Open ~/.config/autostart/teams.desktop file and set X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled to false.
    sudo vim ~/.config/autostart/teams.desktop
  • Make this file not editable using the following command
sudo chattr +i ~/.config/autostart/teams.desktop

This will prevent teams from modifying this file and rewriting X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled to true

chattr +i command changes the attributes of file and adds i to it.A file with the i attribute cannot be modified: it cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file, most of the file’s metadata can not be modified, and the file can not be opened in write mode.

If you have set chattr +i before modifying the teams.desktop file, then remove i attr from file using chattr -i before editing it, otherwise you won’t be able to edit the file.
